Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Where I rusurrect a past IM message I've saved for 2 years because it makes me laugh

The Governess: Want to go see Clutch with me tomorrow at 9:30 club?

S: Can't. have to go to a one-year-old's birthday party with you.

The Governess: Fuck. fuck fuck fuck. i forgot. it will be over by then though. (?)

S: True, one year olds don't party into the funky hours of the night. Especially nice Christian ones.

The Governess:Oh, man, I hate that family, and it has nothing to do with their religion. They're uppity. Damn. i don't want to eat Christian cake with them.

S: Ha ha, I am so announcing at party that you are going to see a show where the opening act is called Jesuseater.


The Duchess said...

Super Inside Note to the Governess: GrillCheese soon?

The Governess said...

i'm totally out this week, and maybe next, too. so many socialite-y plans, so little time. ha.