One of the commercials now back in heavy rotation is the Missy/Goth Dell spot. It shows two girls on their first day moving into the dorm together.

It first aired last year but Dell busted their advert budget on Cheryl Crow this year, so they had to recycle.
In it you've got Goth...

Hi. I represent any number of the 20 years of a punk subculture spanning from Joy Division to Evanescence.
And you've got prep...

Hi. I represent 20 years of Langley High School.
The spot shows that no matter how different we are we can still forge a bond over our similar laptops. The ad is obviosuly aimed at adults who can identify wide cultural trends without having to really understand what they represent. Actually, most commercials do that. I guess I don't know what it's aimed at.
But here's my question. Am I betraying generations of of Danish/German heritage by finding the goth girl way more attractive than the blonde? Am I wrong finding her alluring? I mean, the commercial seems to indicate that she has a boyfriend, but I bet that won't last now that she's gone off to school and he has to stay home and work at his dad's lamp store. I doubt she'll even go to the freshman orientation party so maybe I can catch Gothie back in her room. I know if I got the chance she'd fall for me and dump that black fingernailed, Cradle of Filth-listening toolbox.
Side note...
I watched a ton of CNN trying to catch this stupid commercial for the screen captures, during which I saw this gem...

Thanks JB for the capture.
18 times the speed of light, eh? Someone better tell Zefram Cochrane.
she's probably all your sfor th elow cost of one dragon pendant.
man, i love goth chicks.
Goth chicks win every time. They've got an implication of depth.
i think it's funny that given the choice, yr beloved resembles Missy.
(i bet missy's secret favorite song is "love will tear us apart." I have faith in missy.)
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