Thursday, February 22, 2007

Missed Connections

Me – driving north on 395 in heavy morning traffic

You – riding shotgun in maroon pickup in front of me.

When that panel truck cut you off and your friend had to slam on the brakes and the 4x4 piece of lumber in the bed went through the back window and comically hit you in the head, I think we had a moment. I guess you were okay since we shared a smile.

Question: Do you think I could get the number of your trailer-hitch bull testicle dealer? I have a question about the new legislation.


Me – Walking the downtown streets in a blue cap

You – middle aged crone

Listen, lady, it was obviously windy out today. Do you think I took my hat off and threw it directly into your face on purpose? Plus, I apologized after chasing it into the street.

Question: I know a good trailer-hitch bull testicle dealer. You could put one on your fat ass.

Hmmm. I guess that’s not really in the form of a question.

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