Monday, February 05, 2007

a choconilla frappechino to cut the chill

- I need weekends for my weekends, the house is a mess and the dog is neglected. He gave us beaten-down baby eyes as we left the house this morning for work.

- The only thing good (besides the copious amount of food+bev I injested?) about last night was the little man from MN.

- Our friend E. spilled a Resurrection (beer) on Horatio Sanz at a bar this weekend. Or at least I think it was Horatio Sanz. It was awesome. Drama.

- for those of you not in DC right now, it is cold, bone-chilly cold. Someone on Morning Edition or maybe it was WTOP this morning called this "invigorating." She was wrong but it's nice to hear someone putting a positive spin on losing their fingers. Feels like -5 or something, youngs. Face it, we're a southernish city. Natives are not used to this bullshit.

- I am "on deadline". Wenesday, the Boundary St. peeps meet once again. Whiskey. Ask me if I have anything to share. The answer is no. I have been preoccupied and fuzzy and snooshy and uncreative.

- Things I have learned recently: Paul Zindel is still alive and has his own website!

- Wikipedia sentence of the day: He currently performs as the drumming ape “Chop Chop” in a Providence marching band.


Anonymous said...

The procrastination, she affects us all.

Anonymous said...

I haven't RSVPed because of it. Drawing a complete blank.

Also, when you say -5? Not hyperbole. The radio said that's what the windchill was this morning (it wasn't a pleasant bike ride).