Thursday, July 06, 2006

she squirmed and turned

Hello 11:43 PM, it's been a minute.* Nice to run into you again.

1. It was delightful to see familiar DCist-ish faces tonight, all thems blogroll regulars, which - admittedly, I need to read more often to avoid embarrassing admissions like "oh, Bombay/Mumbai, eh?"

2. Tell us Pyg ladies the truth, now: is "Tessaract" too nerdy for a bar name? Would you imbibe there? Discuss.

3. My 4-Miller Lite parallel parking is.... unparalleled.

4. Do you want to know the song that has been my theme for the past week? Making me grab the half-rolled-down windows of the Jeep and scream along in time? Here you is. It will make you feel 22 again, this I promise. Margot and the Nuclear So and Sos - "Skeleton Key". Seriously. The best part is that super-special "WHOOOO!" in the middle/end. You'd think I'd hate a song like this, but I don't.

Eh, what the hell. here, have r. julian's "cheap guitar," too. Not as much my favorite continually-pressing-repeat-song, but I'm feeling late-night generous.

* what my high school classmates say on MySpace, even though they are 30 years old. Can someone please explain?


The Deceiver said...

Tesseract, I thought.

Has someone been rereading her Madeleine L'Engle, maybe?

I'd drink there, in the hopes that enough booze could cause a Wrinkle in Time and walk home on a Swiftly Tilting Planet.

the Nabob said...

You could barely get my car out of the garage and now your driving around screaming out the window, trying to park on 4 beers?

I do not approve.

The Governess said...

no one asked for your approval. after the week i've had, 4 beers seemed like a v. small indulgence.

ps i hate your car.

The Governess said...

TESSERACT. Yes. Spelling is hard.

The other option was "A Swiftly Tilting Bar."