Wednesday, October 11, 2006

daisy fuentes flipflops, revisited

Dear Chris CarrabbaWohever is responsible for Dashboard Confessional,

We're sorry, but this isn't working out. We might kind of hate you. And that's such a strong word.*

The Entire (Big) Country

P.S. Kohls grows evermore confusing.

* Furthermore, we never really liked you, so this letter shouldn't come as a surprise. Remember when kids were all "sellout"-screamy about you? No? Oh, okay. Well, I'm okay with sellouts! But I'm not okay with Dashboard Confessional. I don't know why. I can't explain it to you.

No, no. It's not your hair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad somebody said it. It had to be done. I hope their feelings aren't hurt.