Tuesday, October 10, 2006

cranberry gone hardcore

I don't know who's been sneaking into our house under the cover of night and stealing our beer, but I pretty much demand you to cease. This very minute.

not even kidding when I said I drank half of one of these along with my dinner, as a science experiment. It tasted like Smarties, summer 1994, and a deep, deep shame.

Related: A kind of secret that may even be a blow to close friends, but screw it, as long as we're all playing honest: Is it wrong that I don't initially trust women who say "Oh, I don't drink beer?"

Sorry I'm turning against the sisterhood and all. But christ.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I feel your pain. A few winters ago, I was suckered in by the prospect of cases of that stuff being on sale for $10. And this was the grapefruit flavor, no less. Being 19, I of course drank it all (seriously, 24 bottles of it over the course of I think 2 weekends), but never again shall I allow my foolish pride to be tempted so...

Anonymous said...

Related: I too have an instrinsic distrust for women who don't drink beer. Imagine my dismay when I went out for drinks with my British female co-workers for the first time and they all ordered bottles of rosé when pints of Stella were £2. Things are not as I imagined...

The Governess said...

The good thing is: we totally didn't buy this stuff. It just ended up in our fridge somewhow. Materialized, like: poof! Someone brought it over to play foul tricks on me. Someone brought it over and hid it in our vegetable crisper, just to get rid of it. I caved. I should not have imbibed. I feel bad about it today.

Poor pink stuff.