Thursday, July 21, 2005

Mother Tongue

Have you ever played around on Babelfish?


Dear Internet:

Last night, I went to a Nats game with my family. Because everyone realted to me is directionally-challenged, it took seven trips around Capital Hill to find our parking lot. When we got to the game, I had a red-flavored sno cone. The game was fun, but the Nats lost, sadly. Highlights included trying to explain Patton Oswalt's stand-up routine to my mother, who did not get it, and my father and his son-in-law bonding over sports. We had a good time, that is all.*

The Governess

* "We had a good time, that is all" is how I ended EVERY ENTRY of my elementary school diary. Whether I had a good time or not is irrelevant, THAT IS ALL."


Internet Querido:

Ayer por la noche, fui a un juego de Nats con mi familia. Porque direccional-se desafi'a cada uno realted a mí, él tomó siete viajes alrededor de la colina capital para encontrar nuestra porción del estacionamiento. Cuando conseguimos al juego, tenía un cono rojo-condimentado del sno. El juego era diversión, pero el Nats perdidos, tristemente. El intentar incluido los toques de luz explicar Patton Oswalt esta' parado-para arriba rutinario a mi madre, que no lo consiguió, y mi padre y sus deportes excesivos de la vinculación del yerno. Teníamos un buen rato, de que somos todos.

Amor, El Governess

* "teníamos un buen rato, de que somos todos" somos cómo terminé CADA ENTRADA de mi diario de la escuela primaria. Si tenía un buen rato o no soy inaplicable, ÉSE ES TODO.


Internet Cher:

Le soir, je suis allé hier à un jeu de Nats avec ma famille. Parce que directionnel- se il défie chacun realted à à moi, il a pris sept voyages autour de la colline importante pour trouver notre portion du parking. Quand nous obtiendrons au jeu, il avait un cône rouge- assaisonné du sno. Le jeu était divertissement, mais le Nats perdus, tristement. Essayer y compris les contacts de lumière d'expliquer Patton Oswalt il est ilarrêter- arrête en haut courant à ma mère, qui ne l'a pas obtenu, et mon père et ses sports excessifs du lien du gendre. Nous avions un bon instant, dont nous sommes tous.

Amour, le Governess

* "nous avions un bon instant, dont nous sommes tous" nous sommes comment ai terminé CHAQUE ENTRÉE de mon journal de l'école primaire. S'il avait un bon instant ou ne suis pas inapplicable, CELUI-LÀ EST TOUT.


Internet costoso:

La sera, sono andato ieri ad un gioco di Nats con la mia famiglia. Perché direzionale - si sfida ciascuno realted a a me, ha preso sette viaggi attorno alla collina importante per trovare la nostra parte del parcheggio. Quando otterremo al gioco, aveva un cono rosso - condito del sno. Il gioco era intrattenimento, ma Nats persi, tristemente. Provare compresi i contatti di luce a spiegare Patton Oswalt è ilarrêter - ferma in cima corrente alla mia madre, che non la ha ottenuta, e mio padre ed i suoi sport eccessivi del legame del genero. Avevamo un buono momento, di cui siamo tutti.

Amore, Governess

* "avevamo un buono momento, di cui siamo tutti" noi siamo come hanno terminato OGNI ENTRATA del mio giornale della scuola primaria. Se avesse un buono momento o non è inapplicabile, QUELLO È TUTTO.


Annnnnnnnnndddddd, end scene:

Expensive Internet:

The evening, has gone yesterday to a game of Nats with my family. Because directional - challenge everyone realted to to me, has taken seven travels around the hill important in order to find our part of the parking. When we obtain to the game, it had a red cone - flavored of the sno. The game was lost entertainment, but Nats, sadly. To try comprised the light contacts to explain Patton Oswalt is ilarrêter - firm in top current to my mother, than it has not obtained it, and my father and its excessive sports of the tie of I generate. We had a good moment, of which we are all.

Love, Governess

* "we had a good moment, of which we are all" we are like we have finished EVERY ENTRANCE of my newspaper of the primary school. If it had a good moment or he is not inapplicable, THAT ONE Is ALL.

This would have been funnier had I not misspelled "related."


topic15 said...

"Have you ever played around on babelfish?"

I have now.

"consígala hecha" = spanish translation of the much hated/overused phrase "Git er done" ->Get her done for all you sticklers out there.

A Unique Alias said...

Now . . . can you repeat that process in reverse and end up with the original paragraph, or is babelfish's only true function entropy?