Wednesday, May 24, 2006

the lazy bloggers guide to having nothing to say


- More Lordi blow-up ("Arockolypse!")

- Noted: Other stuff to download.

- "But it's all over now, you beautiful losers.

- I have touched on this before, lots, but here's one more article.

- Awesome, comrades.

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Other things I am thinking about:

- Worst job I ever had: working for a title insurance company.
- I made a dentist appt. Finally.
- Movies with John Cusack.

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Big Apple:

For the first time in some years, we will soon have an ACTUAL HUMAN FRIEND-PERSON living in NYC. I do not count my friend Kiersten, who regularly moves in and out of Brooklyn squattings/gay dudes alcoves on Chris. St./Amy Sedaris' building's dumpster, because I cannot trust that if I say I'm coming to visit, K. will be anywhere to be found. I also don't count peeps in Jersey or LI, although I guess they are close enough. Anyways, I like suggestions.

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PS, last night was ridiculous. Not DRUNK-drunk per se, but I was using outside voice, and I kind of feel like someone may have knifed me in the stomach when I wasn't paying attention. Some people should just stay in Chicago. It's safer for all of us that way.

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