Tuesday, June 05, 2007

ding ding ding

Yesterday I was going to post a lot, but then I got wrapped up in some serious IM's with Amanda regarding ghosts. Did you know the Virginia Paranormal Conference was cancelled this year due to lagging ticket sales? WTF. If I had known, I would have been there.

Amanda: did you watch Angel at all? one of the characters had a ghost, dennis who totally took care of her. drew her baths, teleported the phone to her when it was ringing, etc

The G: ah, no. angel was on tv during an alcoholic phase where i didn't own cable because it interfered with bar tab money. but I NEED A DENNIS

Amanda: yeah he's the shit

The G: i'll look into that. recruiting a ghost. you think ghosts read craigslist?

Amanda: oh my god. i was typing the exact same thing. jinx

The G: wanted: one ghost (kindly)

Amanda: you owe me a ghost!

The G: also, a magician. OH! OH! WAIT! Ooooh..... LOLGHOSTS.

More later. Until then, muskrat feet earrings, please.

1 comment:

Blogs t r e t c h said...

Were those feetz removed with the hatchet of one Bunny Man?