Friday, December 22, 2006

"I don't know what to say, except it's Christmas and we're all in misery."

Every year I say to myself: self, do not let the merriment of the season get to you.

I suck at holidays. I suck at birthdays, I give terrible gifts. This is why I love Thanksgiving (I can, actually, cook) and Halloween (I love Halloween with all my heaert and soul): no gifting. My neighbors bake cookies and then go like, caroling and shit, and I just stand there with the door to my incredibly messy house wide open looking all lantern-jawed. Friends are in town and want to do dinner, but they want to eat at Senior Citizen-meal time for some reason, and they want to meet up in WV practically; and it takes me two hours to drive throught the godawful hell that is Tysons traffic just to hang for 25 minutes of too-loud restaurant bonding time.

I find the whole seasonal deal incredibly stressful, and I'm always a mess by this time of the year.

Sure enough, the smallest things haven't been going my way the past two days, and it has almost been enough to send me over the edge.

And my family is totally over the edge.

Merry Holidays.

* * *

Sloop John B always makes me tear up. I'm assuming it's not just me, or my raging seasonal affective disorder?


La Bella Mafia said...

cheer up or i'll forward you this stupid stripping santa claus o'gram that i've already gotten 4 times this week. that'll ruin yer yuletide.

The Governess said...

ruin it AND HOW.