Wednesday, April 04, 2007

year of the headache

is it extravagent that I just used two .37 cent stamps on a bill, rather than just going to buy .02 stamps? I mean, the deal is: i will never do that, and those 37-centers have been sitting in my wallet since forever.

i know exactly what all you people are thinking: "who cares? because WHO PAYS BILLS BY MAIL?" the answer is: i do, so shut up.


Sommer said...

I have done this like 8 times in the last few months. Who buys 2 cent stamps? No one.

Anonymous said...

Oh crap. 37 cents isn't good anymore? Fuck. Now my grandfather's never going to know that I'm sorry his cat died.

Also: paying bills by mail? C'mon. Any bills that can't be paid electronically are best ignored.

Matt said...

All hail the Forever Stamp!

Anonymous said...

I just tape oxycontin to my envelopes. Postmen will do ANYTHING forht that shit.

The Deceiver said...

I mail bills. They get no tube access. That's like inviting a vampire into your house. Next thing you know they've devoured all of your delicious chocolate Skinny Cow iced-cream sammiches. And that doesn't sit with me. No sir, Mr. Vampire.

This won't sit well with Tommy, but I also: own no cell phone. Seems like an invite to the vampires. I predict that this will have to change in FY2007 though, so start your "When Will I Finally Get a Cell Phone" pool NOW. Insider hint: Don't pick before July.

Anonymous said...

Well you're right that I disagree with your Luddite lifestyle. But all this vampire talk is at least making me think twice about donating blood via the Red Cross website. I was sick of the cleanup involved, anyway.