Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Question, Music Genies

Hey. What's happened to 04's little indie tykes, the Unicorns? Does anyone know?

(Also, the Nabob is going to post about football again. Soon. My eyes just rolled so hard I fell clean off my gray padded office swivel chair, mostly because I don't understand football.

Don't say I didn't warn you.)


the Nabob said...

What the hell is that about, G?

I don't complain when you post about some crazy band that no one's ever heard of or some weirdo art movement.

Anonymous said...

They broke up! But not before they did a chopped-n-screwed version of that Ghost Mountain song in Houston.

I think I'm the right demographic for this blog. Football, bands no one's ever heard of, weird art movements: check-check-check. For your marketing purposes, I also like Keira Knightly.

The Governess said...

NO! They broke up? Where was I when this happened? I write a nasty letter to CMJ about how aggravating their publication is, and this is the result. Damn you, karma.

Anonymous said...

Man, I loved the Unicorns. I saw them once in Charlottesville and they were great. Saw them at the Black Cat, too, and they sucked (but the Arcade Fire opened for them, so they would have been outshone anyway).

It's kind of hard to tell when it happened, because they faked their own breakup several times first. Not strictly relevant: they may be responsible for some lengthy homoerotic fan fiction about themselves. It's hard to say -- the type of stuff that shows up on websites that *might* officially be affiliated with the band. Or not.

Anyway, they're definitely broken up now, probably. And one of them has released some okay-but-not-great stuff under the band name "Islands".

Anonymous said...


"the type of stuff that shows up on websites that *might* officially be affiliated with the band"

should be

"the type of stuff that shows up on websites that *might* officially be affiliated with the band tends to be of dubious provenance"

The Governess said...

Tom, Tom, no need to explain. You had me at "homoerotic fan-fic."

Anonymous said...

I think it's called slash, yo.