Tuesday, July 21, 2009

bitches come, bitches go

Jeff Simmermon, (who it frankly is kind of weird I don't know/have never met, since I think we went to the same college and have mutual friends and even majored in the same thing, [and actually now that I think about it have probably been at parties together] but the world is weird like that) has a pretty great story on This American Life. Suggested listening if you haven't done so already.


Jeff Simmermon said...

Hmm. Interesting. Now I'm curious to know if we've met, too -- do you mind sending me your real name at andiamnotlying@gmail.com, or finding me on Facebook?

the Nabob said...

You crazy kids. You met at a superhero dance club In Arlington a few years back when Jeff was dropping fat beats at the turntable while the Governess partied the night away with her musclebound date.